Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Halloween Corner for 10-24

Day two of the Countdown to Halloween is upon us!

Three Ghost necklace, $231

I'm really excited by how wearable this jewelery is... jewelery which would normally be relegated to the discount bin post-Halloween. Speaking of, how much do you people love discount Halloween candy?

My favorites were always the Hershey mixes:

You can buy these goodies at the Hershey Store. Why, of course you can send me some!

Of course I also love the creative holiday desserts. As a matter of fact, I am annually tempted by the Martha Stewart mag, featuring things like:

The Head-Waiter Tray (har, har)

Eye Popping Soup

And the one that makes me smile all year:

Creepcake cupcakes (How adorable are those mummies?)

BF isn't big on holidays, so I've basically spent the last four years nudging him into this stuff. He likes our Halloween door banner, so I think it's working.

Martha Stewart pics from her website.


Vintage Bunny said...

I love the ghost necklace!It is so cute!Candy !!Will be the death of me !My favorite is the Lindt Lindor truffle ones
I am not a big fan of halloween but my dog gets dressed up and I know he is muttering cuss words under his breath!!!

Flair said...

Martha has great Halloween ideas - they are always so fun. I go there for my halloween ideas too. Sadly, I haven't had time to decorate yet.

Bobble Bee said...

Spooky Halloween is fun!
i can't wait to dress up for the best time of the year... boooooh ..

WendyB said...

The ghosts are so cute, and I love the mummy-cakes!

Lauren said...

i have that magazine! the one with the 2 covers lol. how many 18 yr olds get martha stewart mags? 1
neways love the post :) it makes me wanna have a halloween party this year...

plcpeggy said...

Hello! Love the blog and your jewelry picks. I invite you to take a peek at my site: Thank you!

Debbie said...

That head waiter tray is so funny!!! I ought to get something like that for my dad and scare the crap out of him lol

riz said...

Was that Head Waiter Tray really in Martha Stewart Magazine???!! It looks like it could have been in Pan's labyrinth or something!

In Yr Fshn said...

VB: Oh, if only people had handed out that Lindt when I was a kid. Let's just say my life might have taken a different path! Poor dog.

Lady N: I'm with you, though I hope to get a pumpkin this weekend. I was getting a little weirdly competitive--the apt. across from us put out FOUR pumpkins, a jack-o-lantern AND a hardy mum. I can't say i wasn't a little happy when the jack-o-lantern started to decompose.

BB: It's so fun! I only wish we had a costume party to attend...

Wendy: I wish Martha would send me some.

LML: I figured you would have it what with all your awesome themed baked goods!

Debbie: Please take pictures if you do!

Riz: I completely agree! Great comparison. Oooh, how great would the eye hand guy be as a costume?

Anonymous said...

Your blog is nice =]
This post made me crave cupcakes. Badly. haha