Slow day at work...
Tonight my boyfriend and I are going to see The Cribs at Bowery Ballroom. I love the idea of concerts so much, but once I'm standing there, getting nudged by a drunken fool on my right and danced on by a graceless moron on my left, well... then I'm not so happy. But I think it should count that no matter how many awful concert experiences I've had, I still go into it with boundless optimism and hope that I'll get a great t-shirt.
In honor of a what will hopefully be a wonderful summer city night, here's some quick gold pieces that I've been loving from afar. (You'll tell tomorrow how it went: watch out if you see a collection of tarnished silver!)

Moritz Glik
Gold Chip and White Sapphire Ring, $3,160.

Triple Strand Bead Bracelet, $40.

John Iversen
Hydrangea Necklace, $4,500

Gold Bead Loop Earrings, $64

Jamie Joseph
Rock Quartz Necklace, $220
Until tomorrow...
I REALLY want to get my pieces into Twist but so far I am not getting any love from them.
Even your newer stuff like the big ring and scent locket? It seems right up their alley; I'm so surprised!
I know :-(
Well, I have probably 20 new pieces since I last sent a catalog, so maybe the next time. Holy crap! I need to be working on thew new catalog. If you know anyone who is good with graphic design and the web....my original designer has just sort of disappeared, my second one has a full-time job and other freelance work so he never has time for me, and I got a quote from someone else who wanted (wait for it) $12K for a new site. I'm desperate! :-(
12K? Wow. We deal with agencies at work that are too expensive to recommend (big companies that have lots to waste), but I know OF a web designer through her jewelry. I bookmarked her to use some of her pieces in a post, but also noticed that she had a nice website and does web design.
She mentions reasonable rates... Otherwise, maybe you could try Craigslist? I'm sure there are a lot of freelancers or students who would love the job if you post about it...
Oh, thanks, I'm going to check that out. And right after I posted to you but before I saw your response, I went and posted on Craigslist. The strange thing is, with the expensive gal, she's a former colleague of a friend of mine. You think she would have cut me a break! At my old corporate jobs, $12K would have been a huge bargain but I told this woman I was a relatively new, one-person company. She must have looked at my prices and decided I was just loaded!
Looove the jewellery!
Wendy: Maybe you could offer to pay her in jewelry?
: ) I would take that trade! It is so surprising though that she wouldn't give you a break. People are weird.
I hope the Craigslist thing will pan out; I've always had luck there when I need something or somebody to do that something.
erin.louise: Me too! Thank you for commenting!
Stuff from craigslist has poured in...now I'm faced with going through it. Eek! How was the concert?
Oh, that's the fun part (going through)! I posted about the concert... not fun!
How could the band not be there? I'm confused! But it sounds like the rest of the night was fun.
No, the band was just going on VERY late! Two opening bands and second was even going on until 10! I know you are a night owl (3:47 am posts much?), but that's too late for me... so that sucked! But yeah, the rest of the night was a blast. I love the Prince Street East side area.
Oh, now I get it. Yeah, that's too late. Who wants to sit through the opening acts for so long? LOL @ my early morning posts. I have insomnia at the best of times, but now I have bronchitis and the coughing is keeping me awake ALL night. I was awake till 7 am! Every time I lay down it got so much wore. So I try to do something useful...blogging and reading two books at once (Empress Cixi and Nefertiti...I'll review them online down the road.)
Ahem, that should be "worse" not "wore." I don't want to have a "bag" vs "badge" confusion.I really need to get this keyboard fixed.
I hope you are taking something, young lady! Those summer illnesses are the worst. Big LOL at your keyboard issues! I am always so perplexed! And very excited about the Egyptian books... I've never gotten much into them, but not for lack of interest.... just never sure where to start. Off to post!
Oh, I'm on so many drugs, you have no idea. It's bad when even the doctor is like, "Hmm. Ew." when you come in. LOL! I've had trouble with this sticky keyboard for about a year now but I'm too scared of being parted from the computer to fix it.
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