Enough about me, let's talk about medallions!
Medallions often make an ideological statement while remaing effortlessly simple. But they are also surprisingly beautiful.
I've got a small collection from vintage to religious that always look perfect with a sundress or a plain tee. Here's a couple I love (some of which I have)--I like to write about what I know firsthand so I can vouch for the quality on some of this.
Even though I grew up in a Jewish household, I was always swayed by the ornate dressings of Catholicism. (Yes, that did make my parents very happy! Why do you ask?) Anyhow, as a teen I started to choose Saints based on their qualifications and wore the medals (often called devotional medals) associated with them. Some of them are very modern and art deco-looking. I have one of St. Cecilia, sometimes called St. Cecile, who is the patron saint of:
composers, martyrs, music, musicians, musical instrument makers, archdiocese of Omaha, Nebraska, poets, singers

(I have the last one.)
At the time, I was very into dating musicians.
Aesthically alone, they are really beautifully designed. Beyond looks, however, I think there is a residual emotion/ faith/ superstition that the wearer inherits, no matter what their beliefs may be. I like that.
St. Blaise also makes an impression:

Patron saint of: medical technicians, scientists, universal Church
Here are a few pieces by Canadian husband and wife jewelers Pyrrha:

Seal reads “Spero” which means “Hope” in Latin. Lions symbolize courage. $95

Fox represents someone who will use all of his wit and wisdom in his defense. $183

Wings and Wheat Pendant: The wings signify protection, and the wheat represents the achievement of hopes and dreams (the harvest). $101

Wings of Friendship Pendant: Seal is a rebus, and reads “May the (wings) of friendship never lose a (feather)”. $112
The line, which is gorgeous and breathtaking etc. is cast in sterling from wax seals. I hinted broadly towards the bf for the lion and received it last year. I wear it more often than probably anything else.
I was going to add some more things medallion shaped, but this is quite a long post already! I'd like to add, though, that everything posted today also comes in men's versions (Pyrrha has a men's line, but above are things pulled from the women's line). Men's jewelry is rarely talked about (compared to the ladies, anyhow), but I think medallion styles are a good way for a guy to go if he's got a hankering for jewelry. It's classic and intriguing--something all the girls love, I think...
I've never been into medallions but I love medieval pilgrimage badges. There were many for saints, of course, but there were also secular ones and erotic ones! There are some reproductions on this site:
i love the carvings!! it's... pretty in a word tt i just cant put into words=p
Oh, Wendy, you are breakin my heart! Though I did take a glance at those erotic badges and they are pretty awesome. I kind of want to get them for everyone I know...
Some of the descriptions of the erotic ones are very funny, aren't they? "This unusual badge depicts a bearded man in an undignified posture, with a great deal to be proud of." LOL!!! This is a good book on pilgrimage badges if you can find it for a reasonable price:
Pilgrim Souvenirs and Secular Badges. I see it being sold for $175 and up on Alibris and Amazon, but I know I didn't pay that much for it!!!!! Maybe eBay....
I think just about all of them are wonderful! Whoever wrote them deserves some sort of award! Do you mind if I post on these? Beyond the naughty ones (which will now and forever hold a dear place in my heart), there are some really great badges throughout the site.
Oh, go ahead! BTW my Gloriana necklaces and earrings were inspired by a Yorkist badge in the Metropolitan Museum of Art! The original had a little face in the middle of the sun. I got rid of the face -- it wasn't glamorous enough! Here are some more replicas:
Oh, finally found a version of the Yorkist sun:
I love your Gloriana necklace--it's really modern take on the symbol and I agree with you about the face. I notice (somehwat off topic here) that you recommended some historical fiction. I've never read Legacy, but I've a couple of the ones listed under "Customers Who Bought This..." Can you recommend any others? Did you read the Sandra Worth books?
Sadly, the Pewter Replica website lacks the inappopriate sense of humor that makes the Fettered Cock site so much fun!
I haven't read Sandra Worth yet, though she's on my list. "Threads" by Nell Gavin is about Anne Boleyn and is one of my favorites. "The Sunne in Splendour" is a good one about Richard III. "Katherine" by Anya Seton is one of my all-time favorites. "Versailles" by Katherine
Davis is my favorite Marie Antoinette book. I LOVE "The Marriage Of Meggotta." This is a bad question to ask me...I could go on all day!
wow! thanks for d tip!!
lol, u're mom has a sense of humor eh=p
i'll rmb tt!!
Thanks, Penelop!
Thanks again, Wendy, for the book ideas!
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