This weary vulva, crowned with cocks, is being carried in great comfort by three walking cocks. The original badge is in a collection in Rotterdam.

This crowned vulva is off in search of her usual prey with a whip and crossbow. This is a charming example of the medieval theme of role reversal.

Squatting man: This unusual badge depicts a bearded man in an undignified posture, with a great deal to be proud of.
And here's a couple for you innocents (again, all text from the site):

Amour: A symbol of love from 1250 to the Elizabethan age, the "A" stood for Amour and was given and worn by lovers and friends.

Saint Anthony: A popular medieval saint, St. Anthony was the patron of the Order of the Hospitallers and of swineherds. The smallest pig in the litter was often tithed to the saint and allowed to forage freely in the city streets, so long as they were belled. Churches and hospitals dedicated to St. Anthony appeared in most major cities in Europe. He is invoked for skin diseases, to
find lost objects and to fight sexual temptations.

The Rose of Chivalry: This badge represents the bond which exists between a fighter and his lady. The Knights' belt surrounds a rose. A symbol of honour in battle.
Thanks again to Wendy for the haads up on this amazing stuff!
Have a great weekend, everybody...
1 comment:
I love the squatting man description the best!!
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