Tuesday, December 18, 2007

No Fair!

Um, Mr. McQueen? I hate to be the one to break the news, but it looks like you only got the first name right...
Please comment me for my address...


Anonymous said...

this is Mr. McQueen... yes, I often spend time in surburban Louisville, Kentucky...

well, actually, that was just me trying to help. Anything for that dress!

Anonymous said...

It's okay! You'd look better in it ;)

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

That is so wrong, she doesn't even pull it off right! McQueen, you should inspect people in your clothes before you let them out of their homes.

WendyB said...

Remember how much I liked that dress? Not anymore. She's like anti-advertising. I'm sorry but it's just not her!

s.i. michaels said...

Wow, she looks fantastic. What a dress for curves.

I see I'm going against the grain and have to admit I don't usually give her the time of day but she looks unrecognizable she's so transformed by that dress-and in a good way ;)

riz said...

I agree with WendyB and Lillian!!