How is it already almost Christmas? This year went by in a flat second, I swear. And that's probably because now my wedding is in six months (!!!) and I'm just now getting around to the important stuff you need to do. Like, uh, invitations? So the dress has been the hardest part and we're not going to speak about the three that are in my closet right now. Instead, let's look at the one I am very much leaning towards:

Ladies, I've learned that if the ring is not you, then you must say something. The original ring the fella gave me was beautiful, it really was, but it was really not me. This one, however, is totally me. I found it in a little antiques and art gallery up in Provincetown, MA and was immediately drawn to it... and it's Edwardian!
On to the holidays: I've been toodling around on a lot of great sites, looking at jewelry and bookmarking and thought "Why should I let this go to waste? I shall not!" I'm in a natual stone mood, so here's some stuff (potential presents for loved ones, perhaps?), all $150 or under:

Happy Holidays!

Ladies, I've learned that if the ring is not you, then you must say something. The original ring the fella gave me was beautiful, it really was, but it was really not me. This one, however, is totally me. I found it in a little antiques and art gallery up in Provincetown, MA and was immediately drawn to it... and it's Edwardian!
On to the holidays: I've been toodling around on a lot of great sites, looking at jewelry and bookmarking and thought "Why should I let this go to waste? I shall not!" I'm in a natual stone mood, so here's some stuff (potential presents for loved ones, perhaps?), all $150 or under:

Titanium Quartz Ring by Stone&Honey, $73 (I actually have this ring, and think it's super interesting & pretty, but I would recommend sizing it for your middle finger; it's heavy and it leans when you wear it on the ring finger. I have to exchange mine...)

Victorian Banded Agate Brooch at Victorian Sentiments, $75 (Remember, brooches can always be turned into necklaces!)
Happy Holidays!